Friday, February 5, 2010


"Tranquila" is a word I hear often. It means, calm or still. People use it to say "don't worry." I am always apologizing, generally when I do not understand something and need another explanation. Everyone I encounter is kind and forgiving. Really, I probably annoy people by apologizing so much, but I cannot help it! I have to remember that people in Salamanca are used to international students (USAL is known for drawing a large population of internationals, because it has a strong language department), and that I am not the first who had trouble adjusting and speaking Spanish. I am good at forgetting that fact, and instead getting down on myself. I like this word though, I like hearing it. And I have it written in large letters on my white board, reminding myself to relax and just breath.

I know this picture is silly and does not very well illustrate the city of Salamanca, but it does show one of my dearest belongings. So I thought I would share with you. Haha. (I try to laugh at myself as often as possible-it helps).

Much love,

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