Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful Thoughts

Happy, happy Thanksgiving!

I will admit, it is strange, and quite sad, to be anywhere but home with my family this time of the year.

However, in the true spirit of the day, I am focusing on all for which I am thankful. And it is quite a list!

This family:

This sweet, sweet boy:

This boy (also very sweet!):

These friends (there are many, many more!):

This beautiful city I am able to call "home":

Among other things:
*My faith; I appreciate more than ever my relationship with God, and feel particularly blessed to be able to so openly practice my faith.
*My education, and the opportunities made available to me; especially my thesis work last spring.
*My health, and the health of my family members. I am grateful we do not have to struggle daily with life-threatening diseases.

Though I am very homesick today, I appreciate the reminder of all my blessings. I hope you all enjoy the day, and find and appreciate all the wonderful blessings in your life!

And remember:

"It is not the happy who are thankful, it is the thankful who are happy."

Much love today, and always.


1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you from Bishop Luers Spanish IV/V classes! We are thankful for your wonderful commentary on living in Spain and your Picasa files of great photos. Because of this blog you have created many of my students are feeling even more encouraged to study abroad themselves. Felicitaciones, Sarah, y animo, que tienes mucha gente que te aprecia y te admira por tus logros.
    Saludos muy cordiales,
